...because I can't think of one.
I took the bus today! Yay! I am so proud *sniff*.
So the bus was surprisingly on time (or on the hour, anyway). Started from the house at 10.30-ish, by the time we (daddy insisted on accompanying; doesn't trust clueless daughter) got to Bahagia, it was close to 11, so we only waited 5 minutes for the bus to start up (it was lurking in the corner; waiting for time or summing).
I don't like freaking RapidKL's policy of: "Pay once and you can ride the bus the whole day! Whee!"
because it's 1 (one) bloody Ringgit Malaysia for one ride (I don't take the bus back; mum gets home at one) . Honestly. Do they not think before making these things?
"Okay, so how're we gonna revamp the bus system to appeal to Joe Public?"
"Um. Fluffy seats!"
"TV!" [of which there are two, which are those kind of screens you can only see if you're sitting directly in front of it, and not at an angle]
"Disabled-friendly ramps!" [if only]
"Seats at different heights!" [of which there are many, no doubt to create aesthetic appeal]
"No, no no no no. Too quaint. Too cost consuming. Too... user friendly. Remember now, we're a business. We need to make money. Ooh, I know! Lets make all ticket fares a standard price and tell people they'll be able to buy one ticket, and get on the bus the whole day for a low, low price! You see, this way we can make a killing off people who only go one way to cover for those idiots who actually do live on buses! And since most people only force themselves on malaysian public transport to get to school or work, we'll be rolling in the dosh!"
Brilliant Executive is carried away on colleagues's shoulders to a celebratory early lunch.
(Feel free to insert malaysian colloquialisms, mispronunciations and general rubbish grammar as you see fit)
Oh, and I'm going to audition for the debate team. I know, how unexpected is that? After my trauma with marc-fucking-jitab, I have decided to rise above! Double hurray!
Also, I really should learn to speak in public. I think it's a necessary skill. Truthfully, the only time I don't like standing up in front of hundreds (well, tens, more like) is when I'm given a topic I'm not familiar with, or don't like (say, "Twilight is a shining example to today's tweens. Discuss", things of that sort). I do like to show off my knowledge (however little I've got) at any given opportunity.
Anyway, wish me luck for tomorrow's personal impromptu speech.
Note to self: Remember to borrow Sloman's Economics from the library for holiday reading. Must master price mechanisms.
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1 comment:
u are in kdu doing a-levels.
i am in taylor's doing SAM.
bio fun lah. we get to extract dna soon :D
how are u lah woman
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