Friday, 6 February 2009

Yeah, okay, right, uhuh.

This is overspill from a comment on Lin's blog.

(Firstly, I must say, I'm not entirely sure I have something against all organized religion. It's prolly just Jack-fucking-Chick)

So, right, Jack Chick is this christian fellow who is really, really devout and passionate about his religion. All good so far. He publishes tracts, little booklets that (attempt to) introduce you to god/jesus and all his disciples. Okay, a little pushy, but still perfectly socially acceptable. And then, you read this nonsense.

Um. Right. First of all, Darwin's theory of evolution does not say we "changed from apes to humans". Man did not descend from chimpanzees or gorillas. We share an ancestor with them. Looking at chimps or gorillas or bonobos or orang utans today, we are not looking at our primitive past, but our modern cousins. Honestly, I'm quite fuzzy as to the actual details of human evolution, but I'm pretty damn sure we didn't "change from apes to humans" magically.

Secondly, no teacher is like that, especially not science teachers. Science is about learning, and the further techonology advances, the more we learn, and new knowledge is successfully mined from the glorious seething mass of life and the universe. As new knowledge is gained, old theories become obsolete, or are found to be incorrect, or are added upon, and papers are published, and articles are written in magazines, and so we learn and understand. I think one of the characteristics of science is that it is always changing. There is always something more to discover, something new to understand. Scientists have to constantly keep their minds open to be able to discover something new, and evaluate the evidence, and, if all is inorder, support their theories wholeheartedly. If anything, creationism is the old stick-in-the-mud. It has not changed since the time of the Bible, and people are still championing it today.

I was gonna go on, but I give up. There's too much bile that'll be wasted here. I'm going to curl up with a nice Stephen Fry and concentrate on the real world. You're welcome to go ahead and read these, though. Warning: You will feel immense frustration at the sheer ignorance of these nonsenses. Better still, go to the index page and note the "Adapted for black audiences". That's right, because black people won't empathise if the character isn't black, right? They're different from white people, right?

Fuck off.

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