Wednesday, 25 February 2009

You decline the verb "to hang-glide" then.

I hang-glide, you hang-glide, he/she hang-glides, we hang-glid, they hang-glidededed.

(Yeah, I'm watching Definite Article)

Doo doo doo doo. I'm only updating this cos of... *incoherent mumbling*

Monday, decided to make myself take undang by this week (i.e. sunday, since I've just realised debate is on saturday, and it's a whole day thing), Tuesday, went to Sue's place, then Swensen's (Tuesday is half price Earthquake day!) with S, Pikky and Lynette. Wednesday, got completely fucked over by Ms. K because some bastards decided to be brutally honest. This is why I keep my mouth shut. So now for Econs we have to do a presentation/research. Which is due next week.

Also, tomorrow there will be a Stats test. Double also, I'm only up to about question 325/500 in the undang book. Triple also, I will be starting/finishing aforementioned Econs thing on Friday when Amalia and Naomi come over. Qintup. ...No, Quadruple also, I must not eat pears. Quintuple also, the ISA thing for M'sian Studies is due on the seventh, Sextuple also also, SPM results out... sometime next month. Mid-March, anyway.

Is that all? Yeah.

Ooh, nooo. Saturday. Saturdaaay. Please let 'em be there. Although I'm projecting again, probably.

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