Saturday 31 January 2009

Hibernating. Again.

I seem to have this unhumanlike ability to sleep for long periods of time. I just woke up (5 pm-ish), and this means I've been sleeping for... ehh, 12 hours? Brilliant.

I think I'm partly descended from koalas.

They sleep up to 20 hours a day, you know. And cats, I believe, sleep 18 hours? Something like that. So I'm a cat/koala. Koat. Cala. Hmm.
They're not bears, koalas. They marsupials. Like kangaroos.

Yay for trivial QI knowledge!

On a different note, its very fiddly to type with long fingernails.

On an even more differing note, am currently working through episodes of Jeeves and Wooster.

(Oh crap! Econs work. Buggery and arsefuck, better get round to it.)

Wednesday 21 January 2009

A Snappy Title

...because I can't think of one.

I took the bus today! Yay! I am so proud *sniff*.

So the bus was surprisingly on time (or on the hour, anyway). Started from the house at 10.30-ish, by the time we (daddy insisted on accompanying; doesn't trust clueless daughter) got to Bahagia, it was close to 11, so we only waited 5 minutes for the bus to start up (it was lurking in the corner; waiting for time or summing).

I don't like freaking RapidKL's policy of: "Pay once and you can ride the bus the whole day! Whee!"
because it's 1 (one) bloody Ringgit Malaysia for one ride (I don't take the bus back; mum gets home at one) . Honestly. Do they not think before making these things?

"Okay, so how're we gonna revamp the bus system to appeal to Joe Public?"
"Um. Fluffy seats!"
"TV!" [of which there are two, which are those kind of screens you can only see if you're sitting directly in front of it, and not at an angle]
"Disabled-friendly ramps!" [if only]
"Seats at different heights!" [of which there are many, no doubt to create aesthetic appeal]
"No, no no no no. Too quaint. Too cost consuming. Too... user friendly. Remember now, we're a business. We need to make money. Ooh, I know! Lets make all ticket fares a standard price and tell people they'll be able to buy one ticket, and get on the bus the whole day for a low, low price! You see, this way we can make a killing off people who only go one way to cover for those idiots who actually do live on buses! And since most people only force themselves on malaysian public transport to get to school or work, we'll be rolling in the dosh!"

Brilliant Executive is carried away on colleagues's shoulders to a celebratory early lunch.

(Feel free to insert malaysian colloquialisms, mispronunciations and general rubbish grammar as you see fit)

Oh, and I'm going to audition for the debate team. I know, how unexpected is that? After my trauma with marc-fucking-jitab, I have decided to rise above! Double hurray!

Also, I really should learn to speak in public. I think it's a necessary skill. Truthfully, the only time I don't like standing up in front of hundreds (well, tens, more like) is when I'm given a topic I'm not familiar with, or don't like (say, "Twilight is a shining example to today's tweens. Discuss", things of that sort). I do like to show off my knowledge (however little I've got) at any given opportunity.

Anyway, wish me luck for tomorrow's personal impromptu speech.

Note to self: Remember to borrow Sloman's Economics from the library for holiday reading. Must master price mechanisms.

Monday 12 January 2009

Hooray new series of QI

I do adore Stephen. I have decided to grow up to be Stephen Fry.

I'm gonna have to walk home tomorrow. In the hot hot blazing wok of superheated oil that is Malaysian weather. Hmph. Oh well. I have my trusty blue umbrella. And shades. I am wearing shades. I don't care if I'm half blind in shades, my eyes will melt out of my orbits like so much vanilla, raspberry and chocolate icecream if I don't.

(On a positive note, my similes seem to be coming along :)

Oh yeah, I should go to the TLC to ask about the book review competition. Mmm. Shy laa. I am really ludicrously shy. Not even with good reason. I mean, surely they expect to be asked, if they hold the darn competition? Ugh.

What I really don't like about talking to strangers is the way people size you up immediately after meeting you. 'Specially on a bad hair/mood/face/sartorial day. You want to scream:"I'm not usually like this! I'm very collected! Seriously. Take my word for it. (I'm pretty trustworthy as well)."

I guess it's what everyone does, after all. And it's also why we spend gajillions each year on hair/face/body/other areas of flesh that no one but you sees anyway but you feel the need to be squeaky clean product.

(I have decided I like forward slashes. Forward slashes are good. And so is the other kind)

And I have tons of maths homework. TONS. And this is just the second week. And thank goodness my add maths was pretty decent, or I'd be struggling. I miss pn. Lam now :(. I know, I know. I love you, pn Lam (yeah, okay, maybe it's just nostalgia. But I do owe about 70% of my brilliance (hah!) in add maths to her lectures and scoldings. Motivation, you see).

Gonna go and sleep now. Or chat with some people.

Sunday 11 January 2009


College is okay but quiet. Not much people in arts/ alevels anyway. Am praying for enough people to take lit and history in march. Have met 5 people to run around with. Um. Yeah.

I think I will take econs after all. So eng lit, history, maths, econs. Hooray. I am gonna die this year-and-a-half.

Went to Star Ed Fair today. The most viable option for me I think is Monash. Unless I can get into That University with a Scholarship, at which point I will abandon Malaysia immediately :). I think I'll opt for That University for postgrad though. I kinda like monash's B.A course better. I know, I know. But I don't really wanna go full on english, you know. Not yet, anyway. I was thinking film and theater studies. Fun!

Also, 11 IS A CHILD.
Granted, a quite hot child, but a child nontheless.

I know it's bad of me to judge beforehand, but I DON'T CARE. Hmph.

(...I'm obviously going to love the series with Matt in it (written by Moffat, after all, who will prolly give me nightmares), but I can't really get over the fact they seem to be trying to tap into the "young-adult-hottie-i.e.-twilight-sparkly-edward" market. Bah.)

Imagine what Jack will do to him though. Hee. *Drifts off on a sea of Jack/11 daydreams.*

Monday 5 January 2009


was kinda pointless, actually. Alot of headless chickenlike running around. Aggravated my eczema by dunking hands in icewater.

Good thing: book review competition thingy. 500rm and a nano poddy! fun. I figure I can just edit the book report I did for PSS. and maybe enter more than one. Do American Gods (I was fairly ambivalent towards this, strangely. After all, it's Gaiman) and then win! yay! Extra dosh!

Um. What else? Good chicken chop. Met nice girl. dum dum dum.

Sunday 4 January 2009

Down the Drain

Finished American Gods, can't be arsed to book report it.

Good gods, I have no discipline for anything. Which means I am fucked because I am (re)starting school tomorrow. Hurrah!

I don't know of anyone else who is going to kdu. Which means I am going to have to make friends. Scarifying.

Also, I went for the damn (mandatory, or I would've skeedaddled) 5 hour driving course/ lecture/ complete waste of time thingummy. I nearly feel asleep. Strangely reminded of Mr. Goey's tuition when I'm tired. Now I have to "study" for the undang. (i.e. do all 500 questions and read the Book).

Am now reading Jane Eyre.

Saturday 3 January 2009

New Year Post

Mandatory. So... Yeah. Oh nine.