Wednesday 3 June 2009

Sweet tooth.

I hope, to the supreme eternal being/s who may or may not be a collective figment of humankind's imagination, that I will never, ever lose my sweet tooth. I just continually have a craving for something sweet. This is probably habit, but after every meal I have to have dessert. Even an apple would do. I have a friend who cannot take any sweets at all, and I wonder how she lives. Seriously!

There's something inherently childish about craving a sweet. I hope this isn't a manifestation of my peter pan syndrome. But I dowanna grow upp. Urgh, the responsibility! I can barely handle myself as it is.

What was I talking about? Sweets. Yes. So. D'you know when you have chocolate, or cake, (or Daim cake), how that utterly delicious saccharine taste sweeps over your mouth and consumes your tasebuds like a tidal wave? Yeah that's what it's like to me. I mean I know it's bad for me excessively (but it's not like I have sweets everyday, hello, I am at least that aware), but they're sweets, dammit. They're not supposed to be healthy!

Also it's lucky I don't get sugar highs, unlike some people I know.

So for all I complain about how kids cartoons and the new musics are going down the drain, and for all I'm slowly becoming jaded and cynical and a skeptic, I hope I never ever get sick of sweets. Yum sugar.

sugar is glucose, which is processed into carbohydrates into your body, which is one of the building blocks of life! (i.e. energy). Sugar FTW!

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