Sunday 19 July 2009


Not really.

Yesterday I ditched Kevin for Torchwood. Ehe. SORRY KEVIN. BUT I LOVE TORCHWOOD OKAY.

LR: Ianto Jones (RIP), Captain Jack Harkness, and Gwen "Mary Sue" Cooper.

Torchwood: Children of Earth was kind of brilliant. Some of the most gripping writing RTD has ever produced. But I miss the old campy B-grade Torchwood =(. It's all srs bsns now. admittedly the drama is fantastic and makes for great television, but I miss the sex aliens who ate orgasms.

So, CoE. To be honest it felt more like a political drama, or "A Day in the Life of a Govenrment Scapegoat", than Torchwood. Poor government scapegoat =(.

Jon Frobisher: Peter Capaldi deserves a BAFTA.

I like the way his end was handled though. Tragic, but realistic and sort of fitting, if that's possible.

(IDEK why I need to warn anyone, s'not like people watch Torchwood anyway =( )

Ianto Jones, snarky coffeemaker extraordinaire.

Seriously, I'm still not convinced he (or Tosh, I am Owen ambivalent) had to die. Seriously. What are you trying to do to Jack? He's been fucked over by the universe so bad. Plus sacrificing his grandson and irreperably destroying his relationship with his daughter. IDK, I suspect RTD will have the Doctor make Jack feel all better in Tennant's final episodes. Or not.

Can't wait for new Doctor!

And today dodgeball happened. Kdu went against kdu, and the a-level guys lost. D'aww. Then after that we sat at Coffee Bean for over an hour ruminating on the secrets of the universe. Then Fish & Co for food.

Ya I should prolly embellish this with moar details but I am like tired and should have slept half and hour ago. Like bai.

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