Sunday 7 June 2009

Sam Isaac is rather comforting


Also, Glee!

It is like fantabulous! A musical series? Yay! It's like christmas came early! When I don't even celebrate christmas!
So yeah, Glee is basically a story about a high school Glee club (like choir, but more showbiz. Think Broadway) that's trying to return to it's nineties prime. I do love musicales.

I went to Khairin's haus! It's fecking huge. But OMG his dogssss. SO adorable. Bloody ginormous husky tried to knock me over couple times but I stood my ground. Just barely.

What else what else umm.

Driving instructor canceled again bah.

Double bah college tomorrow. Wai give us holidays if you're just gonna drag us back into the pit of despair D=.

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